Slubbing Billys member Duggs Carre, said: "We couldn't believe it when we were told in the strongest possible terms to leave. A woman member of staff hollered 'no bells' at us. One of our group, wearing his morris dance gear, went in first and was served a pint of beer without question. But when two of our lady members followed wearing bells they were told to get out out.

"There were about 15 of us and we all went around the corner to the Half Moon instead. We had been dancing in the Market Square on Saturday afternoon and were thirsty, we were looking forward to a refreshing pint." Band member Jill Morris added: "We have danced in a number of countries, Belgium, Holland and France, as well as all over the UK and never encountered anything like this before.
"We weren't attempting to perform in the pub, simply enjoy a quiet drink. But apparently bells on our toes means we will not have music wherever we go, at least not in the Swan and Three Cygnets." The pub is owned by the Samuel Smith brewery which has a strict no music policy. The manager of the pub said he was not allowed to comment on the matter.
What the hell kind of pub doesn't allow music? Do they drag out anyone who tries to sing a drinking song?
No appreciation for the arts.
To be fair, those bells are annoying as hell.
As for no music, it could be to stop people playing music on their phones? Which is also annoying as hell.
The pub is run by people, I presume? And people generally have a thing called common sense. They can make judgement calls, they understand shades of gray. It is possible for them to tell someone to stop playing music on their phone and still let someone with bells on their shoes in. Zero tolerance policies are utterly stupid in almost all cases, also when it comes to music and music like things inside a pub.
More and more this country is simply becoming quite mad with all the zero tolerance and nanny state protection that has been put in place.
John, this was a single private business that had every right to act this foolishly, the country and the government had nothing to do with this nonsense.
Should set up a flash mob with music in that pub.. would be insane to record that.. ha ha...
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