Author Susan Andersen was horrified to discover an unfortunate typo in the ebook edition of her new novel Baby, I'm Yours, which takes the novel out of the romance category and into something rather darker.

"I apologise to anyone who bought my on-sale ebook of Baby, I'm Yours and read on pg 293: 'He stiffened for a moment but then she felt his muscles loosen as he shitted on the ground'," says Andersen.
"Shifted - he SHIFTED! I just cringe when I think of the readers who have read this. Hopefully, it's only in the iBook version that I bought, but if it's in yours as well, please let me know. I've contacted the editor and pray this will be promptly fixed."
HAH hahahahahaha!
Well, that's bound to be somebody's kick. Rule 34 and all that.
I don't think it's even that unusual of a kink!
This has appeared on a number of blogs in a number of different ways. Typos in books are common - there are at least nine in every single book. Or nine on average, if you like. The public only notices when it's something like the one you mentioned. Others are smaller such as the space that turns therapist into the rapist.
Your editor should be ashamed. I do believe the proper usage is 'shat'
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