“As soon as I walked in church, Justin grabbed me by the neck of my shirt and drug me out of the church,” she said. The victim said she has rheumatoid arthritis, walks with a cane, and she kept falling as her son carried her out of the church. Harris told deputies his mother showed up at church “yelling and screaming, so I carried her to her car because she has bad legs. The only thing I did was carry her to the car. I would never hurt my mother,” Harris said in his statement.

The bride-to-be backed up Harris' account. She took refuge in the sanctuary, according to reports. There was a scuffle over the victim's cell phone as she tried to call 911 which was broken up by Pastor Pete Nelson, according to the sheriff's report. Nelson told authorities the wedding was set for 2:30 p.m., but the couple had no witnesses and had contacted Harris' mother. “She was very upset and insisted that Justin not marry (his fiancée),” Nelson said. “I told her that the decision was theirs and not ours.”
He said Harris carried his mother out of the church. Nelson said the parties left, and there was no wedding. The mother was checked by paramedics and refused treatment. Justice Tom Perkins urged Harris to treat family members with respect after the mother indicated she wanted contact with him. Mr Perkins ordered Harris to return to court for a hearing on November 2.
Who would want a mother-in-law like that? At least the would-be groom put his would-be bride first.
Random House says that drug is "nonstandard" as the past tense of drag. Merriam-Webster once ruled that drug in this construction was "illiterate" but have since upgraded it to "dialect"
I done thought that that there term was only used here in my beloved Tennessee. Hot Dang
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