The horrific incident happened at the SSKM Hospital on Friday where Arun Sandhukh, 53, was receiving treatment for pneumonia.

Family members visiting Arun discovered him dead in a pool of blood. "No nurse was found at the scene and he was writhing in pain. His penis had been nibbled by rats," a relative only known as Bishwanath said.
Hospital authorities admitted the presence of rats in the wards but did not comment further.
You think you're safe from us, huh? Kekekekekeke...
"government run"...says it all.
Yes, because private run hospitals are so much more civilized, what with dumping people who can't afford to stay into taxis, with orders to dump them on a curb three streets down.
the dead man was "writhing in pain"?
John B, I caught that as well. Does seem a little...well...undead.
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