A woman was left stunned when she hung out her laundry to dry and discovered the face of Jesus staring back at her from a crumpled sock.
Sarah Crane, 38, was amazed when she went to collect her washing and realised she had the most holy pair of socks in the UK. She was so impressed by the clarity of the face that she has even built a shrine to the sock.
The Rat King
Another Moai man.
Geeze, these people really do have the wrong ideas in their head. Obviously the people of Easter Island had it right!
Another Moai man.
Geeze, these people really do have the wrong ideas in their head. Obviously the people of Easter Island had it right!
All i found after washing my socks was " Lent ".
This is a Poe, right?
That is clearly Sauron, not Jesus. Try to keep your mythical figures straight, folks.
Please, let Lurker111 be right. She can't possibly be serious, can she?
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