No children have been hurt in the five years the group has been running but the council said hot drinks were dangerous – even in special safety flasks. Mother-of-three Candida Hillman, 40, called the ban “ludicrous”.

Photo from SWNS.
She said: “It’s health and safety gone loopy and things are more dangerous now – we could have a drink and watch our kids but now we have to go to a different room. It’s patronising to parents who usually have a cup of tea or coffee on the go when their kids are running about at home.”
Mother-of-two Sue Turner, 30, added: “If you want a cuppa, you have to leave your child. Surely it’s more dangerous that they’re alone?” Warwickshire County Council defended the ban at Stratford-upon-Avon. A spokeswoman said safety was the main priority and added: “Most of the feedback has been positive.”
Council jobsworths blaming health and safety regulations when there is nothing in health and safety law that supports their actions. The mothers need to ask the council workers to show them the clause in health and safety law that they are enforcing.
It should be an offence punishable by compulsory summary dismissal for coucnil workers to blame H&S law for their actions when no such clause exists in law. More often than not I suspect these busy bodies go around inventing fictitious H&S regulations in order to justify their own employment.
Iced coffee is just as good. There. Problem fixed.
1- You can't deny coffee to mothers of young children. That poses safety risks in and of itself.
2- Nellie's solution is a good one.
3- That lady's name is Candida? As in a genus of yeasts?
Health and safety regulations were originally devised to protect those working in dangerous and unsafe conditions - labourers, engineers, builders and the like.
Shame to see it unnecessarily applied to every aspect of our lives now. Someone somewhere is making a hell of a lot of money off enforcing this crap.
And on a totally different note - are those mixed race kids with ginger hair?? I've never seen that combination of traits before!
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