The animals that die at the zoo are stuffed and embalmed and put back on display.
The owner of the zoo, Mohammed Awaida, said they are doing this because there are not enough live animals left in Gaza following the war with Israel three years ago.
YouTube link.
He believes the efforts will help children learn about the animals and taxidermy. The zoo is one of five in the Gaza strip, a densely populated area with 1.6 million people.
There's a stuffed leopard in the natural history museum in Oxford. It has a sign on it "please touch" :)
Heh heh!
Sorry, my bad, it's a cheetah.
A photo of it (being molested) is quite near the end of : http://www.thedayafteryesterday.co.uk/2011/04/have-you-ever-touched-cheetahs-bumhole.html
These are definitely NOT done by Chuck Testa
Heh, thanks for that Ratz!
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