Wednesday, June 06, 2012

13th annual baby crawling contest held in Lithuania

Twenty-five infants battled it out over a five-metre mat as Vilnius celebrated International Child Protection day with a baby crawling contest. The fledgling competitors and their parents were trying to win the title of the 'fastest crawler in the land.'

"To mark International Child Protection Day, we [radio station "M-1 Plus"] are holding the 13th annual baby crawling competition. There are 25 babies, and we will see which of these babies is the fastest this year. Eleven boys and 14 girls, ages ranging from 6 to 12 months, taking part in the competition," rave organiser Tomas Ramasauskas said.

YouTube link.

Lithuania's annual baby racing contest has become something of a spectator sport since it was first staged in the capital Vilnius 13 years ago. The tiny racers competed in heats along a five-metre carpeted track. At the finish line, parents frantically jangled keys and dangled toys or, to surprising success, showed monitors of computers to entice their offspring. But for some of the participants, maintaining focus and direction proved too much.

Eleven month-old Kasparas Abromavicius had no problem with the task in hand, clambering across the finishing line into the arms of mother Gita, and was crowned this year's champion crawler. "We are feeling great. Thank you very much. This is our first victory and it is very jolly," said winner's mother Gita Abromaviciene.

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