Ray Dolin of Julian, W.Va., had told authorities in Montana that a motorist stopped alongside him on a rural road last week and opened fire. A driver matching the description was even taken into custody in connection with the shooting.

But late on Thursday night, Dolin admitted to law enforcement officials that he'd injured himself.
Now, comes a mystery that might be worth of its own tome: Was it an accident that he tried to cover up? Or was it a calculated attempt to drum up publicity for the book? (And what happened to the weapon?) The incident remains under investigation by the Valley County Sheriff's Department, and charges are possible.
What a tool.
If he shot himself, there might be powder burns and almost certainly a gunpowder residue test would show positive.
I figured this guy would get shot or stabbed eventually. It hasn't been safe to hitchhike since Ted Bundy was offing hikers in the late '70s. I just didn't think he'd do it to himself...
Wow! I've actually heard of authors doing far worse in order to generate publicity for their book.
"Now, comes a mystery that might be worth of its own tome..."
English are you not good very at.
I know it's been said that there is no such thing as bad publicity, but I refuse to believe that a man writing a book about the "kindness of strangers" would shoot himself for publicity.
A book documenting the kindness of strangers would not be supported by a story of it's author being shot by a stranger.
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