Yao Chen was chatting to customers outside his restaurant in Chongqing, southwest China, when the foot-long

The 34-year-old restaurateur said: "If I had been standing just a fraction more to the left then it would have hit me on the head. The size of it and the speed it was falling at means I probably would have been killed."
The turtle, which had crawled out of its cage and over the window ledge of its owner’s sixth floor flat, had to be put down due to its injuries. Mr Yao added: "Customers were telling me to make a soup with it, but I didn’t want any more bad luck. It probably would have poisoned my guests or something."
Just for the record, turtles are reptiles, not amphibians.
Cheers for that Lurker111! :)
Screw $bob's foot, I feel sorry for the turtle. It looks too big to have been in anyone's flat.
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