Wednesday, September 19, 2012

One-legged Boris Becker endangered traffic

Boris Becker nearly caused an accident in northern Germany last week after a cardboard cut-out of the former tennis starm with a leg missing, was left standing in a road in the middle of the night, causing cars to swerve to avoid him.

“He wouldn’t have won Wimbledon like that,” quipped police spokesman Bernd Triphahn. He said the cut-out was obviously old, dating back to the tennis legend’s glory days. “Someone must have had it in their cellar for ages,” said Triphahn.

It was left on the B76 road between Kiel and Plön in northern Germany at around midnight last Tuesday. “Cars travel along this road, which is not lit, at about 100 kmph, it was dangerous – one car was seen swerving to avoid it. In the dark the figure would have looked like a person.”

He said fingerprints had been taken from the figure and were being examined by colleagues. Charges will be pressed, he said, and anyone convicted of dangerously interfering with traffic could expect a fine.

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