Thursday, September 20, 2012


The new Blogger interface has now become the only option. That happened sooner than I expected.

I've just pre-posted several things for tomorrow, and quite frankly it's a time-consuming, tedious experience. Just trying to emulate the same look as now involves constant changing between using the compose and HTML options on every post. And this thing is supposed to be easier to use.

I therefore have some decisions to make.

Do I (unhappily and slowly) continue here, adding to the 40,000+ posts I've made over the past eight years?

Do I start all over again elsewhere?

Do I accept some of the kind offers I've had to post for others?

Or do I just stop this malarkey altogether and go and earn some money doing something useful like stacking supermarket shelves?

I want to carry on here. I've spent I don't know how many thousands of hours on this page, carving out a tiny niche amongst the squillions of other sites on the intertubes. But unfortunately in the name of progess and improvement others have just made that a lot more difficult.

In the short term, while I consider my options,  I'll continue posting here. After that, who knows?


Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope you can find a way to carry on in a way that works well for you--either on this host or somewhere else. Your blog is a special start to my day--and so many other people's. Us lazy sods who don't have our own blogs just take these gifts from hardworking and dedicated bloggers like you for granted. So you may not read it very often, but you are deeply appreciated.

Kim K said...

Please keep posting if you can. We love your page! -kim from NY

Unknown said...

Keep posting, your fans, we won't care about the look.

Anonymous said...

Don't go!

RebelNine said...

I've only recently discovered the site but am now a regular visitor and would be sad to witness it's demise! However life isn't meant to be difficult... so whatever decision you reach thank you for providing me with hours of entertainment, amusement and occasionally enlightenment these past few months!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll struggle through any look/feel just to see your work. If you stay here or move, it doesn't matter to me, I'll always make you my first stop of my daily blogs!

leonardo said...

Do whatever is easier for you. We'll follow your blog no matter how it looks......

Anonymous said...

seconded. don't mind if it looks different or is at a different url. I love what you do.
but yes, only if its still fun for you!
best wishes.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you continue! As the others, I visit your blob everyday! If you lead, we will follow

Anonymous said...

Long time lurker, first time poster here.
Your blog is my breakfast and it'll be sorely missed if you do decide to pull the plug.
A day without breakfast would cause havoc in our household ;)

Anyway, take it easy and do what you think is best for you.

Anonymous said...

I just posted two items on blogger complete with photos and text. To heep the text separate from the photos I had to use HTML to make a space between the text and the photos. No problem. One thing I did differently given what you said about the difficulty with formatting is that I used notepad to layout everything in HTML first. It was quick and easy and I didn't notice much difference from posting previously and for what it's worth, I use Chrome browser.

Anonymous said...

Please do continue!

I'll follow you wherever you decide to go. :) Abroath has become a crucial part of my daily enjoyment.

Dunex said...

Please don't stop, this is the only site I have found which is consistantly(?) good with awesome update frequency.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely one of my favorite sites. Your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed, and you have a keen eye for the original. If you must go elsewhere, please let us know where to follow, as original and hard sought out content is hard to come by without you and your site. NTDWArbroath rocks out loud!!!!

Jeannie said...


Elena said...

Hey Arbroath. I have a old Blogger account and went to try the new interface. I found 2 gaps problem - One appears when u move the picture and the other is the massive blank lines between the picture and the block of text below it.

I found solutions to them. I have tested this on a Windows computer only though. For the 2nd gap problem, just use [Backspace] button to move the block of text up instead of the [Delete] button. I do not know why this works but it worked for me. You can view the results here:

If u're using Mac, I have a more complex solution but I would need to borrow my friend's Mac to test it first. I will email this to u in case u missed this comment post.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, keep feeding the blog wherever it is, whatever the look doesn't matter. You're really a daily and distinctive source of fun. Morover, think about the other blogs, how will they manage to keep going if they can't repost you? Don't just judge the comments amount, it doesn't reflect your site popularity appropriately, as Anonymous said rightfully "long time lurker, first time poster", I think many of your readers are like him. Cheers up!

Luis a (frequent) reader from Paris

Anonymous said...

There are very few websites on the internet that I make sure to check every day - you are one of them. Thank you.
Will be very sad if you go :(

Mohawke said...

I love your posts so please stick around! I read them on my smart phone in an rss client so its been awhile since I've seen the web interface. I'm not a big fan of Blogger, I prefer self hosted Wordpress. Anyway, have you tried a client like ScribeFire or Ecto?

Steven Hodson said...

I seriously hope that you do continue to post - if not here at least some where. As a blogger I have followed your blog for a long time and have used posts from here (with proper credit) for fodder and would love to continue to able to.

If however you decide to work some where else please email me ( and see if I can't snag your abilities.

Regardless best of luck and please keep up the great work.

althea said...

Your blog is so amazing and I look forward to reading it everyday. Please stay!!

batchild said...

I have 2 things to say.
1. I don't think it would be terrible to sort of leave this page as is and start a new one, always having this like a library.
2. I'd like to see a few posts made with this new thing going on, to get a sense as to how wonky it really is.

Gareth said...

There's no point wasting time on the new interface. However Microsoft Live Writer will interface with blogger, is easy to use and it's free. I'm not usually a fan of MS, but in this instance I'm impressed.

The Rat King said...

I love this place, but you should be doing what keeps you happy rather than pandering to our whims if it is really that unpleasant.

e said...

This site is important....but not as important as you, so do whats best for yourself.

Miss Cellania said...

Hey Kev, I just put snippets of html right on the visual interface field and they work fine, without switching back and forth. I put the copy in, then put this:

p style="clear: both"

(except I had to take the arrowed brackets off to put in a comment)

at the beginning, then post the picture at the beginning of the snippet. I also throw video embed html right on the visual interface.

arbroath said...

Thank you ever so much for all your kind and encouraging words!

I think I've sussed out how to do everything in the most efficient way now, but it does take quite a bit longer.

I'll give it a go and see how I get on.

Anonymous said...

You make my day. So I want you to be happy. Please choose the option that will make you happiest.

Patrick said...

Kev, I couldn't imagine the internet without you. Faith to the heart.

sooz said...

your site is one of only three I absolutely must check on every day in order to be happy. I appreciate your efforts to keep us all entertained!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your hard work, dedication and commitment - you bring things to your audience's attention that amaze, delight and instruct every single day.

You rock, Arbroath - love your work x

Lynne said...

I hope you can continue! Your blog is the first thing I turn to every afternoon after a long day of teaching high schoolers! It makes me laugh and figure I can keep going one more day!

Brixter said...

I don't mind if you take a break to figure out what you're going to do from here on. Maybe take a week off to try out different blog platforms or different software. Just update us whatever you decide. If you decide to go to another link or something.

Personally though, I think the best way to send a message to Google that their blogger interface sucks is to stop using them. hehehe :)

Minnesotastan said...

fwiw, Kev, I've been using the "new" interface for TYWKIWDBI for a long time. I don't write in code, so like you I have to switch back and forth between HTML and "compose" visual mode. That, and the awkward placement process for photos, is frustrating. Over time it becomes, like an enlarged prostate, a nuisance but it's not lethal.

Anonymous said...

Please don't quit, I have a look here every day, it's one of my favorites.

fred said...

Just want to say how much I appreciate all your work. Your blog is the first site I visit with my morning coffee every day. I hope you find a happy solution.

Anonymous said...

I had stop being a regular for a while because you posted some stuff I couldn't hang with, but the interwebs would really sukk if you were to leave.. truly.. I hope you find a way that you like to keep blogging, I really do.. bon chance and I'll find you wherever you go.. --A.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your posts for years, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I start each day by reading your blog, and can not imagine my day with out it. You make the world sane (on not, I can't tell which?).

If it's of any help, there are easy to use tools to export all you have built to wordpress, which can be hosted anywhere (and in my humble opinion is a far superior platform). I am no expert, but have a decent working knowledge of WP and I would be happy to help you in anyway I can.

I know there are many others out there as well that would love to help as well. You have given us all so much though your story telling, and I hope you will let us contribute back to you.

I'll message you separately though your main email with my contact info, but truly let us all know what we can do to help.

Barbwire said...

I've been reading your blog for years, last thing before I go to bed on the basis of "Save the best for last". You have a keen eye and find things no one else does--until they copy them from you. I devoutly hope you can find something that works for you without having it work you to despair. You have a truly devoted following, and wither thou goest, I will go. That is, if you're still on the web.

jaundicedi said...

I'm in the states. We've been stuck with the "new" form for a while. You will get used to it. I will follow you where ever you move so long as I know where to find it.

Anonymous said...

one of my faves. i hope you can continue. and thank you for all your hard work that you put into this.

Jemima Puddleduck said...

I've been subscribed for more years that I know. You've been the ONLY constant in my newsfeed since I discovered the Internet. You've given so much happiness and even comfort to me that it is unmeasurable. If you have given the same to so many others, then... I really think it's time to move on and find something new for yourself. Even if you just take a short break and see how you feel and whether you want to come back after a few months. I would loose the best feed I've got and ever had, but I cannot complain. You given way more than any other for much much longer, and I'm grateful for every post you have ever made.

shak said...

Aaaaah! You can't go! So many people enjoy your blog. Thank you very much for all the time and trouble you put into this blog. I would miss you horribly.

Gimli said...

I refer to this as 'The blog of record' on my own, minuscule blog.

I use blogger too and am increasingly pissed with the interface not working well with my beloved Opera browser. I've also made numerous suggestions via 'feedback' but no one there is listening. They will eventually cause an exodus by trying to force everyone to use Chrome. I'm looking toward Wordpress.

Anyway, as others have said, if people love your blog, and many do love this one, nobody cares if it looks a bit different. Just make the last post here a link to the new place and we'll all follow/find you.

PTurkk said...

PLEASE dont go!
Dont care about the Look as much as the feeI of your fantastic bIog
(sorry but my Ietter I is broken)

AIso I agree with comment #1 totaIIy
Thanks for aII the work

PauI in NJ

marko said...

if you would prefer to use another publishing platform, like wordpress, then this transfer should be quite easy using the tools made for this thing, just my two cents

Rhea said...

[Not to sound like a stalker, but] anywhere you go, I will follow! I'm a daily visitor and appreciate your work. Thank you!

{Even If I can't prove I'm not a robot)

gordon said...

I have enjoyed your blog for years.It's my first stop each day!I would like to enjoy your site into the future. Thanks, and goood luck Gordon

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the daily de-stressor that is NTDWA! I only found it a few months ago but it quickly became my favourite!! I read it everyday after a frustrating day at work. Ahhh - always puts a huge smile on my face :-)
While it would really suck to go without the daily 'fix', it is completely understandable if it is no longer fun for you. Therefore, I'm happy to see that you have found a way to make posting the blog a little easier and sincerely hope that it will continue to get more user-friendly every day! Thanks again!!
- Dianne

spidercamp said...

I've only commented a couple of times in the many years I've been enjoying your blog. I love the things you find and it would feel like a real loss if you vanished.

If you do move elsewhere, maybe consider Google Plus? It really is not a ghost town - it's now thriving to the point that I spend equal time there and reading RSS feeds. But it's still growing, and hungry for interesting fresh content, of which you are a phenomenal source. People would eat this up there.

Just an idea. Whatever you do, I hope you keep blogging. I appreciate so much the work you have put into this.

tony m said...

I'm with the comment above "If you lead, we will follow",do whatever makes you the happiest mate.