Friday, October 19, 2012

11 year old boy banned from Scouts for not believing in God

An 11-year-old Somerset boy has been banned from joining his local Scout troop because he says he does not believe in God. Because of his strong views, George Pratt of Midsomer Norton said he is not able to make the Scout Promise which requires Scouts to promise to do their duty to God and the Queen. This means that as George is not able to be invested as a full Scout he can no longer attend the group which meets opposite his home. George had been going to Scouts for ten months when he was asked whether he wanted to be invested in the group, and his strong stand came to light when he and Scout leaders were discussing the Scout law and promise.

He had been delighted to be asked to join the movement and had been excited about the prospect of becoming a Scout but is disappointed that he cannot continue. His parents said they have to respect George’s views but are disappointed that the Scouting movement takes such a narrow view. Dad Nick said: “As a family we neither promote nor dismiss any religion and hold no firm views on God in any form, and have always let our children make up their own mind as and when they feel they can make an informed choice.” Mr Pratt said he is surprised that the Scouting movement is not more tolerant. He said: “George had the guts to stand up and admit his view and I believe the Scouts are being narrow minded when we are supposed to be tolerant.”

Mr Pratt said George had been brought up to be courteous, kind and considerate and able to contribute in a constructive manner. He said: “To be invested into the Scouts you have to believe in a God, it does not say which religion that God is from, so you can be Muslim or Buddhist, but if you have the courage to stand up and admit that you do not believe in any God then look out because you are not welcome into the Scout community. This is regardless of the fact that you are sensitive, generous, kind and genuinely a good person.” Assistant director of media relations for the Scout Movement, Simon Carter, said: “All young people are required to make the Scout Promise if they wish to become a Scout.

YouTube link.

“Variations of the Scout Promise are available for different faiths (such as the use of ‘Allah’ to replace ‘God’ for Muslim Scouts), however all the variations of the Promise recognise the ‘Duty to God’ element. Young people are required to show both an understanding (relevant to their age) and an acceptance of the promise before they become a member. Young people will not be refused membership solely because of their parents’ beliefs or non-beliefs, however they are required to make the promise as outlined above. Furthermore, Scouting accepts that as they grow into independent adults, some young people may question or doubt the existence of God as they develop their personal spiritual understanding. Scouting believes that young people going through this process should be able to remain a Scout.”


  1. That happened to me in the late 80s. I came to the conclusion I could lie and stay on, or say sod it and go home. I took the latter. Even at that age I didn't want to be around a bunch of god-botherers.

  2. Anonymous4:24 pm

    He said: “To be invested into the Scouts you have to believe in a God, it does not say which religion that God is from, so you can be Muslim or Buddhist..."

    So, you do not need to believe in "God" as a personal creator deity as long as you acknowledge having some sort of imaginary friend.

  3. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Yet they'll hide the fact that they have multiple cases of molestation done by their scout leaders. They are complete hypocrites, which most Christians are.
