Monday, October 22, 2012

Guinea pig survived over four hours in tumble dryer

Chica, a 5-month-old guinea pig in New Zealand, survived for more than four hours in a tumble dryer.

The New Plymouth rodent's brush with the Kelvinator began when Chica somehow found herself in the folds of a fitted bedsheet, hanging on the clothesline near her pen. Chica's owner, Marilyn Jones, then collected the sheets and shoved them in her dryer for 30 minutes to get rid of any damp.

"It was pretty hot in there," Jones said. "I thought I better go and turn it off because I could smell it. You know, that hot sheet smell. I don't know how she survived." Because even when her world stopped spinning, Chica's fight for life was not over. The fluffed-up furball stayed in the dryer with the sheets another four hours before finally being freed during a bed-making spell.

"My brother was making his bed and she fell out of the sheet. He said he either had a guinea pig or a rat in his bedroom and I came in and there was Chica under the bed," Jones said. Apart from a slightly increased level of guinea quiver, the South American pig appears to have come through unharmed and with a delightfully soft coat.

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