Friday, October 19, 2012

Man faces logistical nightmare after being ordered to re-home his homing pigeons

A pigeon fancier ordered to get rid of 20 birds by his local council has told them "it's impossible" because they are homing pigeons. Roy Day was sent a letter by Gravesham Borough Council last week telling him that his neighbours had complained about the noise and smell from the 20 pigeons he keeps in his garden shed.

Mr Day, a member of the National Pigeon Racing Association, said the letter from the council said his pigeons were a "health problem" and that he has seven days to remove them. The father-of-eight, of Northfleet, Kent, said that no matter what he did the pigeons would "come home" because that is what they are trained to do.

He said: "The council sent a letter saying the pigeons are a health issue. They gave me a seven day deadline to get rid of them, but even if they went 150-odd miles away, they'd still come back - they are homing pigeons. The only way they're not going to come back to the house is by killing them."

According to council rules people living in the area can keep a maximum of 12 pigeons in a 'purpose-built loft' and that they must not be a 'health risk' to neighbours - including 'issues of odour' and 'noise'. A council spokesman said: "Tenant Roy Day did not obtain permission to keep pigeons at his council property. There have been many complaints from residents about noise and mess caused by the birds. The council has now asked Mr Day to re-home the birds since he is in breach of his tenancy."

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