The video features a cardboard cut-out vicar officiating at a wedding, a baptism and a school assembly. The parish has two churches, St Andrew's in Bicknacre and St Mary's in Woodham Ferrers. Currently it has to "borrow" retired clergy and vicars from neighbouring parishes to officiate at some of its services, with volunteers organising other events. "For the people running the church it's hard work," said Mr Kitchen.
"I'm in a full-time job and it's difficult to juggle. People end up doing too much." The position is for a "house for duty" associate minister who would not get paid but would be given use of a four-bedroomed detached church house in return for working two days a week, plus Sundays. So far, only five people have downloaded an application form for the job but nobody has yet returned it. "The fact that it's unpaid certainly doesn't help. You immediately cut out those that need to make a living out of being a vicar," said Mr Kitchen.
YouTube link.
But he said the job had other compensations. "The churches are definitely unique in their style of worship and the way we run our services," he said. "These are fantastic villages and wonderful communities. We're well located and close to London, Maldon and Chelmsford for commuting. We've got great local facilities: pubs, parks and quite a bit of open land in Bicknacre. We've got a small village shop and Chinese and Indian takeaways." Parishioners decided to make the video after a meeting between churchwardens, the rural dean and the Bishop of Bradwell. "Someone suggested it and we thought it wasn't a bad idea. Everybody needs a laugh and it's nice to show church people aren't dull," Mr Kitchen said.
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