Thursday, October 25, 2012

Testicle rash sets man free

A 34-year-old woman told Port St. Lucie police in Florida she saw a man in his vehicle in a plaza on Southwest Port St. Lucie Boulevard. He was "making an up and down motion in the area of his crotch," a recently released police report states.

The woman didn't see his genitals but believed the man was masturbating. He started to circle the parking lot, and she began following him and called police.

Police spoke to the man, also 34, who explained "he got the urge to scratch his testicles." "He raised his right short leg up and began to scratch himself because of a rash ... on his testicles."

He noticed the woman looking at him and stopped. He asked whether he could show police the rash to prove he wasn't engaged in anything else. He "presented" his testicles to an officer, who verified the rash. Police determined the man, who has no criminal history, did not expose himself and found no proof that he was performing lewd acts in public.


  1. Brixter6:35 am

    It's illegal to scratch your balls now?

  2. The woman who reported him should have been reported for being a nosey, interfering busybody. A man should be free to scratch his own nads in his own car. If, however, it was someone else's nads, that'd be different.

  3. Anonymous3:16 pm

    "and she began following him"

    I guess just ignoring him and leaving isn't an option if you're a self-important coont.

  4. Candy1:23 am

    Coont? LOL love it!...What a nosey busy body.
