Monday, November 05, 2012

First child of Mrs Queen visits Papuan village

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall have been given a glimpse of village life in Papua New Guinea. A choir of women in floral shirts and grass skirts welcomed the couple, who are on a tour to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee year, to Boera.

The pair were shown crafts, canoe building and an aid project before a state dinner in capital Port Moresby. Prince Charles, colonel-in-chief of the local Royal Pacific Islands Regiment, earlier inspected a military parade.

In a speech, he introduced himself in the local Tok Pisin language as the "first child of Mrs Queen", which brought cheers and applause from the crowd of about 5,000 people. His words translated as: "I bring you greetings from Her Majesty the Queen of Papua New Guinea and from all my family members during this celebration of the Diamond Jubilee."

YouTube link.

Tribes from across Papua New Guinea were present, including Huli men with their yellow painted faces and Asaro mudmen, with large false heads and bodies covered in grey clay. It is the fourth time Prince Charles has visited Papua New Guinea but the first time for Camilla.

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