Friday, November 30, 2012

Vandal stole Mrs Santa Claus from couple's garden before decapitating her

Police are hunting a vandal who was caught on CCTV stealing a model Mrs Santa Claus from an elderly couple’s garden before cutting her head off. Disturbing video captured the moment the thug swiped the 4ft-high Mrs Claus from outside Gertie and John Garner’s home in a midnight raid.

The yob can be heard laughing as he rips the head off the festive figure before lobbing the body parts into the garden. The intruder struck just after midnight on Tuesday last week just hours after the couple had festooned their home in Grantham, Lincolnshire, with Christmas decorations.

Devastated Gertie, 78, said: “It was the first night we’d lit it all up. I do it every year for my son Christopher who is severely disabled because he loves lights. It was his carers who found out what had happened first when they came to get my son out of bed.

YouTube link.

“A lot of people get a lot of enjoyment out of the decorations so I don’t see why they can’t just leave them alone. What sort of person beheads a figure of Mrs Christmas? It’s like something straight out of the Grinch. We will not be beaten by this senseless attack and are already planning bigger and better decorations.” Lincolnshire Police confirmed they are investigating the attack.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:42 pm

    "who is severely disabled because he loves lights"

    What an odd trigger for a disability.


    (I added that sarcasm tag to preempt some obtuse windbag "explaining" it to me.)
