Sunday, December 02, 2012

Man painstakingly determines that crackers are broken in factory before being packaged

Glen Hunter, 70, of Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand, was sick of buying boxes of Snax crackers only to open them and think: "Oh crumbs". He wanted to determine whether the biscuits were broken before or after they went into the cellophane packet.

"I painstakingly have tried to match up the broken pieces without any success." The exercise took an hour and a half, but the outcome, in Hunter's opinion, is conclusive. "I say they are being broken in the factory and being packaged like that."

But that's not what the manufacturer, Griffin's, says. The company told Hunter any damage must have occured in transit. A company statement said: "Griffin's prides itself on manufacturing high quality products and takes great care to ensure they reach the consumer in excellent condition.

"Griffin's does not intentionally pack broken crackers. Snax crackers are susceptible to breakage during packaging and transportation, and work is currently being carried out to reduce the incidence of breakage that consumers are experiencing." But Hunter now spreads his pate on Chinese-made crackers, which he says are seldom broken.

1 comment:

  1. Probably they're seldom broken because they're made with lead.
