The woman, who came to Oak Park six weeks ago to live with a family and provide in-home child care, said she was riding an east-bound train from Oak Park to Chicago when the assault occurred. “The guy got on with me at [the] Oak Park [station],” the victim said, requesting anonymity. “I wasn’t really paying attention.” She sat down and started texting on her phone.“Next stop [at Austin], he throws something in my face.”

Photos fron here.
The woman expressed utter disgust and outrage. “It was like the biggest degradation I’ve ever [experienced]. I wish he had just hit me,” she said, because she thinks that would have been less traumatic. “The worst part is nobody had anything to wipe my face with,” she said. She managed to find some newspapers before paramedics arrived. The paramedics gave her towels and water. “They really aren’t prepared for a situation like that,” she said.
The woman said she and her assailant never exchanged a word, and she can’t understand his reason for the assault. “I don’t know why he did it,” she said. Oak Park Police Commander Ladon Reynolds said police retrieved a photo of a “person of interest” matching the description the woman and other witnesses gave. That man was videotaped on the Austin platform. “We have photos of the offender and we’re seeking to identify him,” Reynolds said of images obtained from the CTA.
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The 'Turd Bandit' strikes again...
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