A month of preparation and planning – including a rehearsal – failed to ensure Luke was placed in the front row. “I bawled my eyes out,” his distraught mother Vicky Smith, who snapped a damning photo of the situation, said. “I’m just shattered,” his father Phillip Smith said. “If he wasn’t in a wheelchair he would be in that photo.” When asked if the photo was a spur of the moment event, Mr Smith shook his head.

“No, it was all planned,” he said. “It was his year 6 farewell and that photo is something he should be able to look back on.” The DEC spokesman said it was an oversight. “They had rehearsed the photo and somehow between then and photo being taken he ended up out of place,” the spokesman said. “The students were grouped alphabetically for the photo – being Smith he ended up at the back, it wasn’t discrimination. It’s all an unfortunate misunderstanding.”
YouTube link.
Apologies from the principal and the department have failed to wash with the Smiths. The department even offered to reconvene the students for a photo and place Luke front and centre. “Luke doesn’t want to be part of it, he’s done with them,” Mrs Smith said. “If only one thing comes out of this we don’t want another child with a disability to go through this again.” The DEC backed an apology from the principal and assured the family it would not happen again. “The school is reviewing the procedures in how the photos are conducted,” the spokesman said. “The school is proud of the support it has been able to give to Luke and is very sorry.”
The parents were there taking photos, why did they not speak up then. Did they think they would become famous if they let the situation unfold as it did ?
I would have cared more for my son and would have ensured my son was clearly visible in the photo.
Geez. What a swift bunch.
Sometimes people don't want to "make a scene" as it may embarrass them or the person involved. But if a situation isn't taken care of at the beginning it may just become a bigger, messier deal later.
How often does this happen to the short kids at their school?
What a cruel and stupid school. The kids get taught from an earlier age by their 'teachers' that treating people who are different unfairly and chalking it down to 'oversight' is okay.
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