Eulogies and words of farewell laden with light-hearted toilet humour were spoken over the coffin before it was fork-lifted on to the back of a ute that acted as a hearse, leading the cortege back into town. But despite being "taken so soon" from the people of Millaa Millaa, the town's new icon is not going anywhere fast.
"It is not going to disappear," said Chamber of Commerce President, Pat Reynolds. "We are hoping it will have a presence in the town or outside it." He said they had found a semi-permanent resting place on the turn off to the famed Millaa Millaa Falls and hoped to use the now non-functioning lavatory for promotions and at functions. "Anyone visiting the Falls will see it and have a photo opportunity," Mr Reynolds said.

The toilet was erected by the Chamber of Commerce for about $1300 after the Tablelands Regional Council said it could not afford $83,000 to build one in the cemetery. For a bit of fun the toilet was designed in the shape of a coffin with the letters RIP inviting those in desperate need to "rest in peace". However, the council did not see the funny side, and ordered the toilet to be removed.
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