Staff, however, meant thick jumpers and gloves. But some pupils opted to wear the fashionable all-in-one pyjama-style outfits.

In a letter to parents the school said: “Could I please point out that it is not appropriate or acceptable – as has occurred in a few cases – for students to wear ‘onesies’ or shorts.
“Jeans or trousers and jumper/fleece and a warm jacket, hat and gloves are appropriate of course.”
Fashionable? I've seen people wearing those occasionally.. I thought they'd either lost a bet or were mentally ill.
My kids' school sent a notice about the dress code to all parents. I asked them why, and the kids said it was because of too many students wearing pajamas to school (not onesies).
The kids are cold. They are not allowed to wear coats or jackets in class (they may be hiding guns or drugs), but the school does not have coat hooks. Even if they did, a coat may be stolen. So they can only wear a jacket thin enough to fit in a locker with their books. Therefore, teenagers that are perfectly capable of walking to school cannot in very cold weather.
The regulations are ridiculous. One daughter left her purse home because purses aren't allowed in class (they may contain guns or drugs). But she carried a bag of gym clothes, a lunch bag, and a bag for some after school activity. There is no room in her locker for even a thin jacket. Or a purse.
Rant over.
I'm glad that in my country, they are not so paranoid of students bringing guns.
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