A spokesman from her insurance company, Saga, said: "Rats appear to have got into the car and caused... damage." Mrs Delaney's five-year-old Ford Fusion was towed to a garage in Newmarket. "It took three weeks to fix because they kept finding more damage," Mrs Delaney said.

Robin Wiley, who has been a pest controller in Cambridgeshire for more than 70 years, said Mrs Delaney's rat problem was not something he had come across before. "I would expect mice, or even squirrels to cause that kind of damage, but it's not the sort of thing rats would normally do," he said.
However, Mrs Delaney was adamant the damage was caused by rats. She said: "There were rat droppings everywhere. I know a rat dropping when I see one." Mrs Delaney said she was worried it could happen again. "Pest controllers told me rats hate creosote, so I've filled a cat litter tray with the stuff and put it under the car. I've also put out burnt toast because I hear they hate that too," she added.
Mice kept getting into my husband's car and one time, th ey shredded up his Mot certificate. It was so funny (to me) that it was worth the extra £10 to get a replacement
The photo is of a pet hooded rat. Aww, cute!
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