Sunday, January 06, 2013

Unruly passenger taped to seat during flight

A passenger who became unruly after allegedly drinking too much alcohol had to be taped to his seat on a trans-Atlantic flight, witnesses and authorities said. A photo of the subdued man ended up on a blog run by New York businessman Andy Ellwood, who said he received the picture from an acquaintance who witnessed the incident.

“My friend was on the flight and he sent me the photo because we like to trade travel war stories,” Ellwood said. His friend did not want to be identified or talk with the media, Ellwood said, but he recounted the story to him in detail. The passenger “drank all of his duty free liquor on the flight from Iceland to JFK yesterday,” Ellwood wrote in his blog post.

“When he became unruly, (i.e. trying to choke the woman next to him and screaming the plane was going to crash), fellow passengers subdued him and tie(d) him up for the rest of the flight. He was escorted off the flight by police when it landed.” The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey confirmed the incident.

“A 46-year-old man was taken into custody last night at JFK off an Icelandic flight and then brought to the hospital because Port Authority police determined he was intoxicated,” said Ron Marsico, a spokesman for the port authority. “He was not charged ... he’s free to go.” The man had an Icelandic passport, Marsico said.


BoS said...

The people who did that to him should be charged with assault. That is appalling.

tony m said...

He deserved everything he got.

Ratz said...

Tie him up, certainly, but gag him? If he was that pissed and started to vomit he'd have choked to death. Not only would you have assaulted him, but also murdered him.

Due to sinus issues I can barely breathe through my nose.. I'd probably last 10 minutes before smothering like that.

Shak said...

Yes, BoS, better to have him free and choking passengers. How else should they have kept him from attacking people and yelling that the plane is going to crash?