That doesn't even compare to what he discovered next. “I had it on the table, turned it over to the back, for some reason, and I said, ‘Wow! There is Jesus!’” The inch-long white marking shows what Truluck says is a profile picture of Jesus. “It's right there; a kindergartner could see it.”
We wanted to see what Joe Davis sees. He's an assistant pastor at the Church of the Palms in Sarasota. “I don't think God goes and draws his face on a carton of beer.” Davis is happy the image provides Truluck with feelings of faith and hope, but believes and preaches that God is found elsewhere.

“If you are one of us that believes in the God of the Bible, the scripture teaches more is that God would rather show his image through the works and love of his people than interact in the world.” As for Truluck, he thinks the world of his new find. “Excited as I could ever be.” He says he plans to frame the case and keep it in his home. He hopes to one day hand it over to his children.
People like this scare me. I mean, he's allowed to vote, FFS!
And drive a car. And own a gun.
This article exceeds the limit for stupid.
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