White, mayor of Cederberg municipality, also allegedly offered his deputy Lorna Scheepers a private trip for the two of them to Durban at municipal expense. Details of these incidents were contained in an affidavit submitted by Ms Scheepers to the Western Cape executive committee of the ANC.

Songezo Mjongile, secretary of the African National Congress in the province, confirmed that the party was investigating the allegations. Police spokesman Novela Potelwa also confirmed the investigation.
However, White's spokesman Anthony Mlata had a different view. "The mayor does not recall sending inappropriate messages to any of the citizens in the municipal area in his official capacity," Mlata said.
The mayor does not recall? Temporary amnesia, I'm sure. I hope she kept those pictures.
Polly ticians and their "I don't recall", its the same as what priests, nuns and other talkers to the cloud people roll out when asked "why would a god do that ???" ... 'god moves in mysterious ways'. Its all a bucket full of manure.
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