"They seem to have had a genetic mutation, probably as a result of radiation and chemicals used on them," Ismail Kahram, Tehran city council environment adviser and university professor said. "They are now bigger and look different. These are changes that normally take millions of years of evolution. They have jumped from 60 grams to five kilos, and cats are now smaller than them."

The "mutated rats" have been running rampant in the capital, as cats are scared off by their giant size and traditional poisons appear to have no effect on them. To stop them storming restaurants' backyards and scavenging public waste containers, the council has deployed ten sniper teams armed with infra-red sighted rifles.
"We use chemical poisons to kill the rats during the day and the snipers at night, so it has become a 24/7 war," the head of the environment agency, Mohammad Hadi Heydarzadeh, said. The rats' carcasses are burnt or buried in lime. So far 2,205 rats have been shot dead, but the war is far from won and the council is planning to increase the number of sniper teams up to 40.
The stuff that nightmares are made of.
Here we see the first step in the animals take over of this planet. They will have no pollution or wars when we are gone.
Did no one see Princess Bride? You obviously need fire to kill a RUS (Rodent of Unusual Size.) But, seriously, I hope this is a hoax because it's horrible!
PETA people aren't going to like this.
Where are Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson when we, er, the Iranians, need them?
P.S.: You're a true Sherlockian if you recognize the allusion.
"Iranian sniper teams," eh? Are they related to the Swiss Navy?
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