The married father-of-one then had to spend a further £20 on a takeaway to feed his wife, 14-year-old daughter and her friend. However, when the trained chef complained to Asda, they refused to reimburse him for the extra expense. The 44-year-old, of Ronkswood, said: “It’s not something we regularly do because I’m a chef, but as my wife had been working all week we thought we’d have it.

“I put it in the oven and I’m looking at it and thinking, ‘Where’s the chicken?’ We had to spend £20 on a takeaway because I can’t drive and it was late at night. I phoned customer services to be told I was only going to get a refund and a £5 gift voucher. I’ve told them they can keep their gift card and I won’t be going in there again. I’m unemployed at the moment and £20 is money I haven’t got to spare. It’s absolutely ridiculous.”
Asda later upped their offer to Mr Ford to a £35 voucher. He said he would spend the gift card on “anything but food”. An Asda spokesperson said: “We are sorry to hear that Mr Ford has purchased a meal that doesn’t meet our usual high standards. We’ve spoken with the customer and decided that on this occasion we can offer Mr Ford a gesture of goodwill which goes some way to make up for the inconvenience caused.”
Furious? Surely the gent has anger issues if he's furious rather than disappointed.
He looks quite angry.
It could also be that furious customers get better reimbursements than merely disappointed customers...
Heh heh, that's true, Steve!
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