The town's chamber of commerce said the ban was "depressing" as it created an image of the town being unwelcoming to tourists. Mr Galpin has put "clear and polite" signs outside the shop banning anyone living further than a 30-mile radius of the store. The shop, Aladdin's Cave, sells large items of furniture which Mr Galpin claims tourists are unable to take on their coaches.

Mayor of Christchurch Peter Hall said he was "very surprised" at the move. "Tourists help keep Christchurch vibrant, it's important to get it right. To turn away this important source of revenue really doesn't make sense to me." Peter Watson-Lee, chairman of Christchurch Chamber of Commerce, insisted the majority of shops were welcoming to tourists.
"We are working hard in selling Christchurch as a lovely place to come to and to attract more tourists. We have got one eccentric and it's just so depressing. I just hope people aren't put off coming to Christchurch because of this. It's really very upsetting to people, it's quite unpleasant," he said.
I am so sick of these idiots who are in charge telling people to be nice to tourists. Why should this mans livelyhood be ruined by these ignorant people. The only reason you want tourists is the money they bring in. But they also bring rudeness, drunkeness and just plain stupidity. Your constituents should come first, not the person who is only visiting. I would visit a place where tourists are told to behave themselves. Good on him. He has the right idea.
Ok, so when it's the town that wants to make more money, it's not ok, but when one person wants to make more money, that's fine? If Christchurch's reputation is tarnished by this and they receive less money from tourists, this one guys is profiting from his dick move while the town suffers. I don't think that will happen, but WHY ARE YOU ON HIS SIDE?
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