While the two men were inside robbing the cashier, another Burger King employee sneaked out the back. He noticed the suspects’ getaway car running, so he hopped in.

“I haven’t heard of any employee actually leaving a business, getting inside the suspect vehicle and trying to hide it,” said officer Joe Silva. The employee drove the car around the corner and hid it. Officers said Gabriel Gonzalez and Jeremy Lovitt ran out and quickly panicked.
YouTube link.
Once they realized they had no transportation, they fled to a nearby field. “The quick action from this employee did allow our officers to get on scene and arrest the suspects,” Silva said. While it did end the right way, they always recommend that people being robbed simply comply for their own safety.
wow, that employee had big balls
Either that, or a couple of snorts before coming to work.
Either way, he should get free burgers for the rest of his life.
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