The woman, 81, lay there for an extended period of time before she was able to get relatives to call police. When first responders arrived at the scene, they reported that the legs of the mother and the son were intertwined and the son was passed out as he laid on his mother.

The mother was taken to Loyola University Medical Center, where she had to have surgery on her hip, which was broken in three places. The son was taken to McNeal Hospital to be treated for alcohol poisoning.
According to police, Robert Golba, 55, had an order of protection and under the terms of it he was not allowed in the residence under the influence of any drug or alcohol. The violation of the order of protection did help Riverside police officers make a case against Mr. Golba for injuring his mother,” said Riverside Police Chief Thomas Weitzel. Golba was charged with one count of felony violation of order of protection.
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