But Stephen, 30, says the sign was just a harmless play on words for the makeshift workout facility he set up to avoid queues to use the equipment at his local gym. Stephen said: “I came up with the name because choir boys are seen as quite weak, and grooming, although nowadays is seen as sexual and associated with paedophiles, is also a training term meaning preparing your body and mind for something. I just put a different slant on the name.

“I used to train at a gym but it was costing me £100 a month and the equipment was always being used by other people, so I came up with this. A couple of my mates use it, too. I play a lot of sports so this is where I prepare.” The garage, which is packed full of weightlifting equipment and massive tractor tyres, is soon to be fitted with a new professionally-made sign which will display the initials CBTR. But Stephen, a firefighter, insists he shouldn’t have come to the attention of the police over the sign, which he says was not intended to offend his neighbours.
He said: “A neighbour did say a few people had been asking about it and were wondering what was going on. I can understand what they mean if someone was trying to sell their house and a prospective buyer saw the sign. But it is just temporary, I always knew I was going to go for initials and thought I would only have this up for a week or so. I’ll get the new signage put up next week.” A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: “We have received a complaint in relation to a sign at a private property. We are liaising with the Procurator Fiscal to determine whether an offence has been committed.”
What do you expect in a land officially headed by a woman in her eighties, a land where they have been shipping the strongest men off to die in nonsense wars for profit for so many generations. These people have thrown out the book on gender, written over thousands of years; now they are at a loss, and it gets sillier by the day.
thanks a lot for sharing good info.
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