Thursday, June 06, 2013

Orangutan pirate embarks on a mission

Filmed back in 1987, this video shows an ex-captive orangutan in the wilds of Borneo, stealing a fisherman's dugout canoe tied to a dock. The orangutan paddles the dugout to the middle of the lagoon and boards an anchored riverboat. She then pulls up a submerged fish trap tied to the boat, loads it in her dugout and pushes off again. She takes a fish out of the trap and eats it - the goal of her mission.

YouTube link.


BoS said...

Absolutely fantastic!

If you want to continue to see these wonderful creatures in the wild please, everyone, don't buy products with palm oil as an ingredient. The creation of oil palm plantations are one of the major causes of loss of habitat for orangutans and hundreds of other species, just to provide us with, among other things, cheap noodles and yet more cosmetics.

fred said...

Unfortunately, BoS, the use of palm oils has been and will be a cheap alternative to vegetable oils in most processed foods: If you read ingredients on labels and it says "may contain one or more of the following oils", palm oil is usually listed. The words "may contain" means whatever oil is cheapest this week.

BoS said...

And there's a further complication, fred, in that there is some sustainable palm oil production but it's very difficult to find out which products it's used in. I just don't want to see these incredible animals disappear because we want a couple of pennies off our weekly shop.