Monday, June 24, 2013

Police caught on camera brusquely attempting to serve a warrant over uncut grass

Police from Turtle Creek, Pittsburgh, arrived at Robyn Ruckman's door looking for her landlord. They had a warrant for Roben Edwards for Failure to Maintain property.

Ruckman recorded the officers as they told her to get her ID. She can be seen closing the door and asking the officers if they can wait outside. On the video, you hear one officer respond "No, I can't wait here because I think you're trying to avoid us." The officer says they are serving a warrant and have a right to be there.

East Pittsburgh Police Chief Lori Payne said officers never allow someone to go back inside alone. "Shame on us if they come back with a shotgun," Payne said. Duquesne Law Professer Wesley Oliver said "They could have defused the level of animosity in the situation had they been a little more polite. Officers can be very authoritative, while being polite. The two are not inconsistent"

YouTube link. Original raw video. Contains NSFW language.

After Ruckman's encounter with police Roben Edwards scheduled a hearing for charges involving her uncut grass.

1 comment:

Gareth said...

Only in america could it be an offence not to cut your grass.

Strange how mirkins believe they live in the land of the free, and yet they have more controlling and petty legislation than almost anywhere else in the world.