The victim was found dead in a home shortly before 7:30pm on Monday.

Police say a woman who lives in the home found her husband dead in the garage. His hands and feet were tied and the body had been decapitated.
Tulsa police told a local news station the death was due to suicide. Officers gave no other details, but continue to investigate the matter.
Police found another suicide in the river. A man shot ten times, stabbed fifteen with his feet in a bucket of cement, and chains around his body...Dumbasses.
Maybe he committed suicide by being caught with another woman by his wife.
Sounds like a plot from Jonathan Creek. This week Jonathan (and his current reluctant foxy assistant) have to prove that the police aren't as stupid as they seem. I suspect, however, that in this episode Jonathan would fail.
Getting your head torn off when you bugger up your own hanging is very far from impossible.
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