Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fox horror for man sitting on toilet

A man from Catford, south London was attacked by a fox which burst in on him as he sat on the toilet. Anthony Schofield claims he was quietly going about his business on July 1 when the mangy creature strutted in before mauling him, his partner and his pet cat. The startled 49-year-old leapt up from the lavatory with his trousers around his ankles before pursuing the creature around his living room.

Mr Schofield said: "I didn’t even have time to wipe myself. I just had to chase after it. It was so quick. The fox had pushed its nose through the door. I jumped off the toilet. In the meantime it had run into the front room and got the cat. It had the cat round the neck. She was in shock, bleeding from her face.

"It locked itself onto my arm but still had the cat as well. It was unbelievable - the strength in the little thing. There was blood everywhere. It was like a struggle for my life." His partner Tanny Chapple, 35, joined in the fight and had her finger bitten at by the bushy-tailed beast which was battling all three victims at once.

Mr Schofield says he eventually managed to free himself from the animal’s jaws by hauling it outside - while it was still latched onto his arm. He was treated at hospital for cuts and bruises while his 14-year-old rescue cat Jessie sustained facial injuries and is still too scared to enter the living room. Mr Schofield added: "It was so frightening. It was like a wild animal. At the time I wanted to kill the fox. But it must have been in real trouble, really hungry. It panicked - I don’t blame it for that."


Ratz said...

Got to love the second image. It's like something the Daily Fail would have invented for Neanderthals who can't wrap their heads around the concept of a fox beside a guy on the throne.

arbroath said...

Heh heh, it's wonderful, isn't it! :)

The Daily Heil, along with several other British newspapers now outsource their Potatoshopping to a company in India.


Anonymous said...

Did we really need to see him on the throne?

Barbwire said...

Didn't they treat the people (and the cat) for possible rabies?

arbroath said...

Thankfully we don't have rabies in the UK, Barbwire.

Gareth said...

He looks like a chuckle brother to me.

Jane said...

I like this guy's attitude, he didn't immediately demand the death of all urban foxes and expressed compassion for the fox's plight.

Well done that man on the bog!