Shop owner Hidemasa Otani, 45, went the goat route after he visited Taiwan with his family. Taiwan is said to be the birthplace of the "cat cafe," a hugely popular type of shop in Japan where customers can sip beverages while stroking felines. "Watching the happy look on my daughter's face as she played with cats, I realized once again that animals have great ability to make humans relax," Otani said. His vision was to create a place where both humans and goats co-exist and feel relaxed.
Because male goats release strong pheromones - that means they are smelly - Otani decided he couldn't have them anywhere near where food was being served. So, he opted for female ones. Initially, the goats gave out quite a pong. But after lacing their food with protein, which has a deodorizing effect, according to the advice of a veterinarian customer, their odor improved markedly. According to Otani, a growing number of customers come from even outside Tokyo to see the goats. Previously, his core clientele were people working in companies in the business district where his shop is located.
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But, three and a half years ago, he built a wooden extension next to the cafe's outdoor seating and started keeping goats. The number of women dropping by began to rise sharply, and his weekend trade went up by 20 percent, adding 1.5 million yen ($10,000 $15,000) to the cafe's monthly earnings. To ensure the animals get proper sleep, given that goats generally sleep only two to three hours a day, the cage is covered with a curtain that blocks out light at night. Otani's staff sometimes take them for walks to Shibuya Station for exercise to keep the animals healthy.
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