Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Busty clown jailed for bank robbery

A Florida man who robbed a credit union in Transcona, Winnipeg, while cloaked in a garish female clown costume, complete with gigantic fake breasts, has been sentenced to eight years behind bars. Minutes after Judge John Guy convicted Rondell McGarrett Johnson, 40, of robbery, wear disguise and public mischief on Tuesday morning, Johnson elected to proceed immediately to sentencing to learn his fate.

Johnson has been in custody since the afternoon of Dec. 18, 2012 - specifically about 15 minutes after he strolled into the Crosstown Credit Union while wearing the bizarre disguise and robbed the bank of thousands in cash while brandishing an imitation handgun.

Police tracked Johnson down on foot to secluded area south of the bank where he was seen walking along some railway tracks in normal-looking clothes. After his arrest officers located a duffel bag nearby where he had been walking stuffed with the garments and other items he used to disguise himself. The gun was never recovered.

It appears Johnson used Nerf balls cut in half to fashion a large pair of fake breasts, which were then stuffed into a gigantic bra. He fought his case at trial, claiming police had the wrong suspect. Guy ruled after looking at all the circumstances and the overall timeline of events, there was no other logical conclusion than that Johnson was the guilty party.

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