Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hampstead residents slam Tesco after local store stops selling organic porridge oats

Shoppers in Hampstead, London, have attacked supermarket giant Tesco for slashing its organic offering and packing the aisles with  junk food. Residents claim the Heath Street branch of Tesco Express, Hampstead Village’s only major supermarket, has been steadily reducing its stock of organic and healthy produce since a store revamp in the summer.

Jenny Anderson sent a formal complaint to Tesco head office this week. She said: “I have already complained to the manager about the reduction in organic produce. It used to be quite prominent, but I feel they have steadily been withdrawing the high-end organic and good quality foods over the last few months.

“Also the organic stuff they do sell is being hidden away so it’s really hard to find. It feels like they are hiding it away so no one will buy it, and then they can justify not selling it.” Another resident who came forward this week, a 65-year-old academic, was particularly annoyed to find his favoured brand of organic porridge oats had gone from the shelves.

He said: “I’m really disappointed about it. The whole fizzy drinks and sandwiches department seems to be expanding more and more. Perhaps that’s how they make their money, but I would imagine there’s a big demand for organic food in Hampstead.” A spokesman for Tesco said: “We aim to offer our local customers the right products to suit their needs in all our stores.”


  1. "organic" is not "healthy", just more expensive.

    Dumb as a bag of hammers.

  2. Anonymous11:59 am

    worse is that shops like Tesco and Asda are killing the small local shops, and soon they will be the only choice. Support the small local merchants if you are able. *end rant*

  3. These would be the same small local merchants that rush to close up before their customers leave work, and aren't open at all on Sundays? I can't buy from someone who doesn't want to sell.
