Friday, October 25, 2013

Schoolboy arrested after having sex with goats, sheep, calves, chickens and his 6-year-old sister

A 13-year-old boy has been arrested in Kenya for alleged bestiality and incest. The class three pupil was found by his fellow students while mounting a calf at Nyamanga village in Suna West constituency before reporting the matter to his parents.

Area assistant chief Barack Ogaja said the incident was reported to him after parents failed to take action. The father and mother were also arrested. Ogaja said it had emerged that he was a perennial bestial offender and occasionally raped his six-year-old sister who is in nursery school.

“Our preliminary investigation established he mounts goats, sheep and calves and killed three chicken through his unnatural acts,” he said. The incident shocked residents who wanted the three to be taken to Migori police station.

Area police boss Alfred Makoma confirmed the incident and said they will first need to ascertain the mental status of the offender before they proceed with any legal action.“We have already written to a government psychiatrist who will carry out the analysis before we seek any legal action.” Makoma said.

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