Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Vegetarian specials


Michele said...

No way! Is this for real? shaking head..apparently "vegetarian" means anything but beef.

Insolitus said...

Actually, there's also steak on that vegetarian menu. Steak is beef.

Maybe vegetarian means no seafood?

Anonymous said...


BoS said...

Not nice having others' food preferences forced upon you with no alternative, is it?

kdub_nyc said...

I'm going to guess this uses "meat"? Funny how vegetarians have so many options that taste and chew like meat but is made of tofu and seitan and such... why not just eat meat if you like it so much?

terrence said...

EVERYONE of those animals is a vegetarian. The menu means the meat is from a vegetarian animal...

Anonymous said...

I believe kdub is correct. I was a vegetarian for years, and there are some strictly vegetarian restaurants (particularly Chinese, it seems) that offer vegetarian versions of meat dishes. I don't think I ever ordered them, bc the idea was too strange, and I was so well-conditioned to avoid meat on menus. But for people who miss meat but don't want to eat animals (for whatever reason; there are many), apparently it's an appealing option.

Barbwire said...

I took my vegetarian daughter to a vegetarian restaurant, and she was disgusted at the number of dishes made with fake meat.