Saturday, October 19, 2013

Woman jailed for squirting boyfriend with water pistol

A Florida woman accused of squirting her boyfriend with a water pistol was thrown in jail by Port St. Lucie police, according to a recently released arrest affidavit. Giovanna Borge, 19, was arrested on Sept. 27 on a battery charge "for squirting water on (her boyfriend) to antagonise and agitate him against his wishes," the affidavit states.

Police went to an address in Port St. Lucie where Borge said her boyfriend "said something to her she did not like." Borge said she then grabbed a water pistol, squirting her boyfriend with water. The boyfriend, she said, then dumped a container of water on her and hit her with a pillow.

She wound up in the tub in the bathroom after "mutual shoving." Meanwhile, the boyfriend said Borge started screaming at him and squirted him with the water pistol. "He then poured water on her and also corroborated the mutual shoving," the affidavit states.

Three people in the apartment said Borge began screaming at her boyfriend unprovoked. They didn't see the alleged altercation but heard the boyfriend yelling "get off of me, get off of me." Borge was breathing in a rapid, shallow manner. Police gave her a bag to breathe in and took her to jail.

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