Claire and Paul Richards of Stafford made the shock discovery in a tin of Beef and Liver flavour Asda Hero Dog Food they were preparing for their border collie puppy Alfie. "We were cutting up the dog meat and it just sort of popped out,"said Mrs Richards. "It's not something you really want to find in your dog food. It was supposed to be beef and liver, but that is not beef or liver.
"It made me feel sick to my stomach," she said. "We've been off our food ever since. Alfie's just a puppy, if it is what it looks like, it could have made him sick." They contacted Asda who asked them to take the item into the store, but the Richards were subsequently advised by Environmental Health to hand it over to them for testing.

Mrs Richards added: "I'm just worried other people in Stafford might be buying that food and anything could be in it." A spokesman for Stafford Borough Council's Environmental Health department confirmed they had received the mystery ingredient but did not "deal with dog or other animal food" and had passed it on to the county council's trading standards department for formal analysis. A spokesman for Asda said they would comment after the analysis.
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