“I think it’s really ugly.” Crabtree has gone by her middle name since she was a teenager, and now, as the mother of two teenage girls herself, she’s ready to dump Sheila.

On Feb. 11, she will stand in front of a Licking County judge and ask him to change her name to Sexy Crabtree. “I wear Victoria’s Secret clothes all the time,” said Crabtree, who doesn’t want you to know how old she is. “I was like, ‘Shoot, I’ll just go for Sexy.’”
The process is fairly simple: Fill out a form, pay a court fee ($108 in Franklin County; $87 in Licking), pay for a notice in a local newspaper at least 30 days before the hearing, and then go to that hearing and plead your case. Hearings are usually brief, and most name changes are approved. If the name Sexy isn't approved Crabtree says she may opt for Sparkle.
So 'Sexy' lives in Licking?
No disrespect, but both names are ridiculous. I might add that one of my horses used to be named Sparkles
She'd better get ready for plenty of prosecutions under the false advertising/trade descriptions acts.
She'd better get ready for a lot of laughter and snorts of disbelief too.
What a great example she's setting for the teens. Can you imagine one of them having to introduce their mom to somebody? I wouldn't want to go by Mrs. Crabtree, but it's better than having my kids introduce me as Sexy.
LOL! NO. The shoe doesn't fit.
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