The woman, who was in a bar in Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter suffered second and third degree burns to her legs when the toilet she was sitting on exploded underneath her.

According to the official police report, the blast was caused by the unhygienic conditions of the septic tank and the lack of ventilation in the lavatory. When the woman switched on the light, a spark acted as a trigger for the methane gas which filled the toilet.
As the victim was sitting down, the gas was compressed therefore causing a strong blast. The woman has since sued the owners of the bar for the serious injuries she sustained.
Wow ! Slow burning methane !
If the 'spark' from the light switch ignited the methane, how come she didn't get face and hand burns, as they would be the exposed skin areas when the light was switched on.
For her to have been burned while sitting down the 'spark' would have to have happened at that time, I imagine from a lighter or match, ignited to light a cigarette.
For the methane in the bowl to be compressed, the woman would have to have effected a good seal, hence she must have been a big woman.
As judge and jury from afar I sentence the woman to refrain from going to seedy bars and to eat less, and I order the bar in question cleans and ventilates it toilets. Next.
Clearly an attack by the butt terrorists. The government should investigate further upon the matter.
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