A disappointed and tearful Servat recounted his dashed dreams in the baby room filled with five colourfully adorned cribs that lie empty. "She let me choose the names," Servat, 35, said between sobs, surrounded by donated gifts for the five fictitious babies. "I lost everything, it was my whole life." Servat said Bienvenue's baby story lasted 34 weeks, after she had surprised her new beau in September with news that she was expecting.
"We were so happy," Servat said. "Even my parents, they were so looking forward to having grandchildren." As weeks passed Bienvenue told Servat she was expecting twins, then triplets, then quadruplets and finally the stunning news that there were five babies in her belly. On Wednesday, Servat took Bienvenue to a hospital where staff told him they had no file for the pregnancy. A nurse finally took Servat aside to show him the results of blood tests. "She told me she was not pregnant," he said.

At first he didn't want to believe it. "The doctors told me it was a phantom pregnancy," said Servat, who added doctors have kept Bienvenue under psychiatric observation. He said Bienvenue was so convinced she was pregnant that her belly swelled, she began lactating and even had morning sickness. The couple, who met online last summer, had amassed a motherlode of gifts after a friend created a Facebook page to help them. "I'll return all these things to people who sent them or give them (away)," Servat said. "I'm a good person and I have nothing to do with these lies."
This medical condition is bizarre.
"Motherlode." Nice!
When I was reading the first part I thought it was going to say she absorbed them, because that really does happen... but, yeah. Wacky. Poor guy though! He sounds so crushed.
What lies ?
If it was a phantom pregnancy there were no lies.
Unless the ghost that walks is also the ghost that lays.
If she really thought she was pregnant, why didn't she get any prenatal care? This is in Canada, isn't it?
to Miss Callenia. she told him she was going to those appointments alone.
This is so sad for him. I have no sympathy for her at all. Men have no choice but to believe the woman is telling him the truth when it comes to the baby she is carrying. Until a blood test is done, men just don't know if the child she is carrying is his. Phantom pregnancy is one thing, but lying about how many babies you are carrying is proof she knew she wasn't pregnant. Get rid of her mate, and find someone else. And to all men, when she says she's pregnant, insist on going to the doctors with her, don't leave it up to her.
Why Didn't He Ask To See A Pregnancy Test Or An Ultrasound ? My Boyfriend Wanted To See Both. I Needed To See Both Before I Told Anybody. Did She Ever Have Any Ultrasounds ? It Usually Say The Mother's Name On It.
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