Her husband was at the door, defending their home. "All of a sudden I hear him yelling. And I can hear him trying to corral one of my dogs, which are large breed dogs," Retz said. Her husband grabbed one great dane by the collar, while trying to keep Kathleen Schwan from charging inside. "I'm trying to call 911," Retz said. But Barbara's signal failed. So instead, she grabbed her phone and hit record.
"I'm on the toilet and my bathroom door is just getting kicked in," Retz said. For minutes, the couple says they struggled to get Schwan out as their dog went on the defence. "The dog bites her on the ankle, she falls, hits her mouth and she started bleeding everywhere and she's spitting it everywhere," Retz said. Schwan is facing a felony of burglary with assault or battery.
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The suspect’s sons say their mother was drunk but that she didn't break in. "I didn't hear her busting in the door or anything," said Kyle Schwan. "My mom’s not a violent person. She's not the kind of person who just goes into somebody’s house and does that," Schwan said. Investigators say Schwan became combative at the hospital as well. They asked that she undergo an evaluation. She’s currently in the Lee County Jail.
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