Friday, May 16, 2014

Schoolboys invited to fight sexism by wearing skirts

School authorities in western France have caused a stir by inviting male pupils to take a stand against sexism by wearing skirts.

Education chiefs in the city of Nantes, western France, have decided to take an unusual stand in the battle against sexism and inequality. On Friday schoolboys at 27 lycées in the city have been given the option of ditching their trousers for the day and replacing them with a skirt.

The move, that has been named 'Lift the Skirt' (Ce que soulève la jupe) which was the idea of pupils themselves, has been sanctioned by the city’s education chiefs and therefore by the Ministry of Education.

For those boys who prefer not to take up the option of flashing their legs in front of classmates, they can wear a sticker supporting the event, which reads “I am fighting against sexism, are you?”


BoS said...

Is this the kind of sexism they'll be protesting against?

Barbwire said...

One school where I taught had strict rules against shorts of any kind, including Bermuda length. One hot day, a whole bunch of boys showed up wearing skirts, saying it wasn't fair that the girls got to be cooler wearing skirts, but they couldn't wear shorts. The principal had fits. Eventually, though, the rule was changed.

Goenka said...

fake ! it's not the french authorities it's some gay association, read more about the subject and you'll find the info, it's in all french newspapers